Do I Need IOP Treatment?

do I need iop treatment Do I Need IOP Treatment? 1

The opioid epidemic is still an increasing concern for Americans, especially since the pandemic began. As opioid-related death tolls continue to rise, many people are asking themselves, “Do I need IOP treatment?” GateHouse Treatment’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) transitions clients from Residential or Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) treatment into the community.

What can we do to prevent this drug from ruining the lives of so many? We are left wondering which first step will most proactively help this problem. Gatehouse Treatment believes that continuing to create more IOP treatment options in New Hampshire and Tennessee is essential to combat this disease. Asking, “Do I need IOP treatment?” or asking the same about our friends and family is a good start.

“Do I Need IOP Treatment?” — Here Are 8 Signs:

  1. You experience withdrawal. Whether you’re intending to withdraw or have been waiting some time between use, your body is telling you it is dependent on this drug by the way it reacts to detox. Shaking, cravings, nausea, vomiting, severe cramps or aches, cold sweats, insomnia, fever, and diarrhea are a few of many signs of withdrawal.
  2. You’ve put yourself or others in danger. This can take many forms, but at any point where your concern for your own safety or the others around you is lost because of your drug use, it is time to consider help. Whether your decisions caused actual harm or not, the implications of it should be enough for you to know this drug has influenced your judgment.
  3. Your work and personal life have been impacted. From your job to relationships to finances, are you noticing a change in these items because of your habits? Has your use put a strain on your marriage or caused you to lose your job? These negative effects are only the beginning of the downward spiral caused by addiction.
  4. You’ve quit in the past. Quitting on your own sometimes is just not possible, especially with drugs as influencing and deadly as heroin. If you find yourself returning to heroin or opioids after some sobriety, it is time to seek professional help with an IOP treatment near you.
  5. You have been released from inpatient rehab. Going from having support and structure around you 24/7 to being out in the world is a huge transition that many addicts can’t cope with.
  6. You have a job you can’t leave for several weeks to go into rehab. Not every workplace is enlightened about drug rehab and you may not want people to know about your addiction. If so, your answer to “Do I need IOP Treatment?” is a definite yes if you are an addict.
  7. Regular outpatient care has not been effective for you. In GateHouse’s IOP, clients undergo individual, group and family therapy sessions. It is an important phase of recovery and helps clients stay focused as they integrate back into society.
  8. You’ve been ordered by a court to enter therapy. Legal troubles due to addiction are common and usually a good wakeup call for the addicted individual. IOP is a great option in these cases

Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you or someone you love can ask the question, “Do I need IOP treatment?” the answer is probably yes. Contact us at GateHouse Treatment and we can discuss the best options for you and your family. We want to help you get your life back, and this is the first step. Give us a call today at (855) 448-3588. We are available to you 24/7! You can heal. We can help.

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