Why Heroin Should Scare You

Why Heroin Should Scare You 1

For many across the country, the opioid epidemic that has plagued our New England cities and towns has only become a bigger problem in recent months as seen in our New England Recovery Center. This might lead many to wonder, “Why is there an opioid epidemic?”.

GateHouse Treatment can think of a few reasons people resort to heroin addiction that has lead to the opioid epidemic, but we also know that many do not understand the implications heroin has on someone’s life until they have seen it first or second hand. Education is often the first step to coming to terms with the severity of this drug, but we want to highlight just a few important items.

It is often a cheap, substitute to prescription medication. In recent years, there have been direct correlations between the number of prescribed pain killers and heroin use across the United States, and this problem is only continuing to grow. When those who are addicted to prescribed opioids find their habits are too expensive, many will make the transition to heroin as a way to save money.

Withdrawal is psychological and physical. Of the many reasons, heroin is considered one of the hardest drugs to recover from is because of its many severe withdrawal symptoms. As a central nervous system depressant, constant use leads to increased dosage to achieve the “rush of euphoria” associated with the drug. On top of the psychological addiction, heroin allows for users to escape from their stresses and anxiety, it comes with a mixture of physical symptoms such as insomnia, shaking, vomiting, diarrhea, racing heartbeat, high blood pressure, aggressive behavior, and more.

It can lead to more health issues than addiction. Along with the problems addiction cause to our wellbeing as functioning humans in society, heroin can be attributed to other health problems. Due to sharing needles and syringes within the community, HIV and AIDS are common among heroin users. Not to mention, your lungs, heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and intestines are all systems that are damaged while using heroin.

Withdrawal starts quickly after last use. On top of being a highly addictive drug that addicts often become more immune to its effects as their use continues, withdrawal starts in as little as 6-12 hours after your last use and often show as flu-like symptoms. In addition to the quick turnaround, these symptoms can last anywhere from 5-10 days, where the peak is usual between 36-72 hours.

Luckily, when you suffer from heroin addiction in or near Massachusetts, there are professionals willing to help you get through some of the toughest parts. GateHouse Treatment is an IOP that assists with withdrawal relief, relapse prevention, 12-step programs, and sobriety skills to help you transition back into society with a healthier, positive lifestyle and not be a statistic of the opioid epidemic.

With more questions, contact us today at (855) 448-3588.

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