The Importance of Case Management in the Addiction Treatment Process
What is Addiction Treatment Case Management?
When making the decision to come to drug treatment centers, whether it be detox or outpatient rehab, many clients hesitate to leave a myriad of life responsibilities and commitments at home. Others worry about financial responsibilities or pending legal matters they may have.
Our staff at GateHouse Treatment recognizes that these are valid concerns and have case managers to specifically handle individual client needs on a case by case basis. Case management services are often overlooked when making assessments of different drug treatment centers but actually play a vital role in the rehabilitation process. By addressing prior standing legal matters and providing solutions to achieve financial stability, our case management services allow clients to focus solely on their recovery and treatment while in rehab. The case managers act as advocates for the client’s needs outside of drug treatment programs, providing them with the proper resources to find solutions for many of the psychosocial issues our clients face as a result of their ongoing substance abuse.
Case managers not only handle financial and legal matters but also work with the clients to set up future plans after visiting drug treatment centers to allow them to maintain long-term sobriety.
Addressing a Client’s Unresolved Legal Matters
A large number of our clients come into drug treatment programs with pending legal issues such as DUI’s, court-ordered treatment, drug possession charges, etc. With this, comes several court dates they may need to attend as well as communication required between the treatment center and respective courts.
A big part of recovery is cleaning up the wreckage of our past. Addressing these legal issues can provide a huge sense of relief for clients, allowing them to participate more thoroughly in their treatment and therapy process with ease.
The case management team is the connection between the drug treatment center and authorities such as court clerks, judges, or probation officers. With the client’s consent, case managers are able to provide a presence in treatment letters, character letters, the client’s treatment progress, and completion certificates if needed.
These are often accepted by courts as official documents and can either provide a valid continuance in addressing legal matters until after treatment without arrest warrants being issued or can supplement the client’s case in a positive manner if they successfully complete treatment.
Often, legal issues can cause a financial strain on clients who are unemployed yet have to take care of their basic needs at the time. Our case managers, therefore, provide clients with the proper resources to help with financial concerns.
Helping Clients Find Their Financial Footing
Our Case Managers at GateHouse are also able to assist our clients with applying for government benefits such as disability, unemployment, or SNAP (Food Assistance) as per individual circumstances.
Aside from helping clients complete sometimes complex and perplexing forms to apply for benefits, our case managers can provide “presence in treatment” letters which are often necessary to complete government assistance program applications.
Although setting up our clients to be able to find consistent employment or return to previous employers is a part of their recovery and aftercare plans, it is always beneficial for many to be able to have 30 or 60 days to be able to focus entirely on their treatment and recovery. Our case managers provide this relief by assisting our clients in finding temporary financial stability.
Many of these case management services act as the fundamentals in a client’s aftercare plans.
Providing a Continuum of Care for Clients
In order to maintain long term sobriety, it is important that the client has a continuum of care and structure after leaving drug treatment centers.
When a client is nearing the end of his stay in treatment and is ready to reintegrate into society, our case managers help them find employment and set up a recovery network. At GateHouse, we really emphasize to our clients the importance of working towards long-term recovery. Part of long term recovery is being employable, reliable, trustworthy, and accountable to be able to be a contributing member of society, friend, and family member.
When the time comes for a client to graduate from our program at GateHouse, it is a decision made by the client along with the clinical team that they are either ready to return home, or find suitable living arrangements with roommates or in an apartment. By this time, clients are employed and have some level of financial stability, and foundation in their recovery. Our case management team then helps them continue their work here by providing them with 12-step meeting lists, phone numbers, or references to faith-based fellowships.
Upon completion of the GateHouse Treatment program, clients join our alumni program, which gives them a start to having the sober support network they need in long-term recovery.
Comprehensive Care for Long-Term Sobriety
We collaborate as a team here at GateHouse, between the clinical team, case management team, and medical professionals to provide our clients with everything they need to be able to succeed. We strongly believe therapy allows our clients to address their past, while case management allows them to plan for their future; both are just as integral as one another in a client’s ability to maintain long-term sobriety with drug treatment centers near me.
If you have any questions about case management, feel free to contact us where we can give you or a loved one the help you so deserve. We are available to you 24/7 and can be reached at (855) 448-3588
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