Courage to Change

courage to change Courage to Change 1

Courage to Change

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrates the life of a man who gave America the courage it needed to change for the better. He taught us the value of compassion, truth, dignity, service, and valor.

Finding the bravery it takes within to make changes in your life as an individual or as a society, is a necessary step towards growth. Without change, there cannot be growth. Many people find change difficult or dislike change. Whether it be a change in something as small as their daily schedule or as big as a recovery in an addiction recovery center.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a leader in the society who was able to use compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love to bring about a revolutionary change in our society.

Recovery from substance abuse values many of the same concepts by using unconditional love for anyone suffering from a substance abuse problem to allow them the opportunity to change their lives for the better. GateHouse Treatment gives clients hope for a better future, and the compassionate help needed to change and heal with an addiction recovery center.


More often than not, people find it hard to take the appropriate steps towards accepting or making change is because of the fear of the unknown. We are comfortable with familiarity; people, places, and things we know.

Many fear the first steps towards recovering from substance abuse because it includes so many unfamiliar things. Recovery usually begins with going to treatment at an addiction recovery center. People entering drug and alcohol treatment for the first time are stepping into a whole world of the unknown.

This fear can hold someone back from participating in life-saving and life-changing experiences such as admitting into drug and alcohol rehab.

At GateHouse Treatment, we understand the fears an individual or a family can have when choosing to take that first step. Our experienced admissions specialists approach this with compassion and patience to make it a comfortable experience for you and your loved ones.

Why Change is Necessary

They say when things are easy and comfortable, you stay stagnant. When you persevere through the uncomfortable, you grow. Change can often be uncomfortable at first, but with the courage, determination, and the right support, the rewards can be truly gratifying.

For many of us who consider drug and alcohol rehab, our lives have become unmanageable as a result of our substance abuse. Many of us have tumultuous relationships with family and friends. Some have mounting financial struggles. Some of us have even lost it all-the house, family, job, or even the will to live.

At whatever point we deem our  “rock bottom,” we know deep within ourselves something has got to change. We know change is necessary, no matter how fearful we may be.

How GateHouse Treatment Can Help You

Even when many of us have decided to take that first step to a better life, we find that changing our entire lives is nearly impossible to do by ourselves. We need support, love, and compassion to make a monumental change like entering an addiction recovery center.

The GateHouse family cohesively works together between our admissions to clinicians to ensure we provide you the best support you can find to take those crucial steps.

We know it takes teamwork and unconditional support to get our clients to the next level and allow them to begin leading a clean and sober life.

Contact GateHouse Treatment today to take your first step to a better life. We are available 24/7, give us a call at (855) 448-3588.

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