New Hampshire’s Growing Opioid Crisis

Opioid Epidemic NH
GateHouse Treatment Opioid Overdose

The New York Times, a nationally circulated news source, has recently been covering many stories about overdoses due to the ongoing opioid crisis. Over the past few days, many of these stories have come out of New Hampshire. A New York Times article recently followed one such story of a family in New Hampshire, struggling first hand with having an addicted son. Overdosing 4 times within 6 hours, the story documents the gruesome reality, so many families face every day in the state.  GateHouse Treatment, a drug rehab in NH, recognizes this growing crisis and the need to do something about it.

In the state of New Hampshire, the government estimates there are about 130,000 people that are addicted to drugs and alcohol, making up nearly 10% of all of New Hampshire residents. The small northeastern state leads the country in deaths per capita from fentanyl, a new synthesized opioid drug hitting the streets as a heroin replacement. New Hampshire only trails Virginia nationally in overall drug overdose deaths per capita.

As a result of these astonishing numbers, last year, 53% of adults in the Granite State poll said that drugs were the biggest problem facing the state.

Researchers at Darmouth College in Hanover, N.H., have identified two key factors that play a role in why the states opioid problem is only growing to a direr situation.

The first of which is New Hampshire’s proximity to Massachusetts, which has been found to be the center of opioid trafficking networks that serve the New England area.  The second of which is the states lack of allocating state funds towards addiction services to help drug users. In the country, New Hampshire tops the lists of overdoses, but ranks at the bottom in availability of a drug rehab in NH.

Change Has to Happen

GateHouse Treatment, located right in Nashua, New Hampshire, has been working to change the state of affairs by helping every addict that calls in to us. We support local efforts such as the Fire Department’s safe stations, as well as ensuring we place every addict that calls into a drug rehab in NH, whether it be with GateHouse or other drug rehabs in NH, depending on the person suffering’s needs.

We recognize the lack of drug rehab in NH options and work to fill that void to help improve the horrifying statistics coming out of New Hampshire.

At GateHouse Treatment, we offer individualized and group therapy as well as immersion into 12-step programs such as Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous, to provide a way out and the help our clients need to have a shot at long-term sobriety.

We truly believe that every addict, no matter how dire their personal situation may have become, has the ability to seek recovery and benefit from drug rehabs in NH. We strive to provide this hope of a better life and do everything we can to help the families struggling with addiction.

If you or a loved one is suffering from addiction, and are seeking drug rehab in NH, reach out to GateHouse Treatment at (855) 448-3588 or visit us at

GateHouse Treatment is where sobriety becomes a way of life.

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