What to Expect When Your Adult Child Goes to Rehab

Child Goes to Rehab What to Expect When Your Adult Child Goes to Rehab 1

No matter the age of your child, they are still your child. From before you held them in your arms until the present day, I’m sure you never once thought ” I wonder what will happen when I beg my son or daughter to go to rehab?” Unfortunately, some parents will have to face that dilemma. No matter the age of your child, you care about their wellbeing. The disease of addiction does not discriminate, and sometimes it takes your child from you. What can you expect when your adult child is going to rehab? How can you help yourself and how can you help your adult child?

What to Expect Getting Your Adult Child Into Rehab

Dealing with your adult child is never easy, throw substance use into the mix and it can seem next to impossible. How can you go about broaching the subject of treatment? When someone confronts an addict about their use, regardless of if they are your child or not, it usually doesn’t go smoothly. Do not try to bargain with your child. Things such as “if you go to treatment, I’ll let you come back home” or “If you stop using, I’ll get you ___.” Incentivizing treatment is a sure way to be disappointed when they come out if your child doesn’t stay sober or continue to work towards actual recovery. It may also give them a bad reason to get sober. Unfortunately, until the pain becomes great enough for your adult child to want to stop on their own, it will just prolong their using.

The only way to start addressing the problem is to talk about it. Talk about how your child needs substance abuse treatment. Ask them to be honest (although they may lie) and try to come up with a plan together. If you don’t feel comfortable approaching the subject, contact an interventionist. They are professionals when it comes to getting people into rehab, especially adult children. A professional interventionalist can guide you through this. You will have to set boundaries but remember that boundaries are for yourself.

My Adult Child has Entered Rehab, What now?

Once your child has entered rehab, you may be able to sleep finally. Your every waking moment won’t be consumed by wondering if they are safe. There is a sense of relief that comes from knowing that your child is safe and getting help. Addiction affects the family. Despite your child thinking they may only be harming themselves, you suffer as well.

Researching treatment facilities before sending your adult child to rehab can be beneficial. See if they offer a family program, this will allow you to get help for yourself and to talk some things through with your child in a safe environment. Also, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Despite going to treatment, unless there is consistent work put towards recovery, your child could relapse. It is imperative to start taking care of yourself. If you are unhealthy for yourself, there is no way you can be of assistance to another person. You are just as important as your child struggling with substance use.

My Child is Discharging from Treatment, What’s the Next Step?

Most inpatient facilities are only 30 days long. A month isn’t enough time to fix years of abuse and behaviors associated with substance abuse. If your adult child is in a long-term treatment facility that gives them more time to get acquainted with recovery and hopefully begin working a 12-step program. At GateHouse we are a 12-step and therapy-based program. Therapy can clear the way to be able to work a 12-step program. Therapy can also address issues that are better handled by a therapist and clinicians to help treat any underlying mental health disorders that may be co-occurring.

After discharging from a treatment facility, it is highly recommended that your adult child moves into a halfway house or sober living. It gives them accountability in a setting where recovery is the norm, and they are surrounded by people in the same predicament they are. Sober living also ensures that if they use or drink, they will have consequences instead of continuing down the path to self-destruction. Some sober living homes also have an IOP component with it, meaning your child would be continuing treatment while staying in a sober environment and have some level of supervision.

Even though your child may find this hard at times and so will you, it is usually one of the best options. Everything leading up to your adult child going into treatment is exhausting and emotional. That isn’t the end of emotions and rough patches, but it can be the end of their active addiction. Life does still show up once your adult child gets sober, but the sleepless nights can end. Continue taking care of yourself as well, investing your time and energy in yourself is healthy behavior. Keeping yourself healthy is one of the ways to help your adult child through drug rehab, and after.

My Adult Child is Ready to go to Drug Rehab

If your adult child is ready to go to substance use treatment, contact GateHouse Treatment today, at 855-844-3588. We have admissions staff on call 24/7. We can help you help your child.

We also offer medication-assisted treatment which is beneficial to maintaining abstinence-based sobriety. GateHouse also does interventions. If you think that is the route to go with your adult child, we’re here for you every step of the way. Sobriety can become a way of life for your child. You can all heal, we can help.

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