A Letter to the Addict Still Suffering

A Letter to the Addict Still Suffering 1

Dear (your name here),

I want to tell you how you can find gratitude in your syringe. Put it down for a second and let me talk to you.

Bear with me. That probably threw you off a bit. I’m not talking about finding gratitude by getting high. I am talking about the kind of gratitude that comes from finding this amazing way of life, a way of life that doesn’t require using drugs and alcohol. All because of the syringe. If you have already found it you know exactly what I am talking about.

If you are still searching for a drug and alcohol rehab, if you are still suffering, this letter is for you.

(Your name here), there is a life on the other side of your addiction and if you can take that first step towards getting better, you will too understand. You will understand that which was your biggest obstacle, the living hell you were in was your catalyst to the most amazing life. And amid that realization you will find immense gratitude for where you have been and where you are now. You will find gratitude in being an alcoholic and addict because it has brought you the most rewarding life. A life, as they say, beyond your wildest dreams.

But how right? How do you get to that point?

It’s simple. You ask for help and you ask for help right now. I am not writing that because I want you to come to GateHouse Treatment. I am writing that you ask for help RIGHT NOW through drug and alcohol rehab because there are too many of us who are never getting the opportunity to experience what I described in the first two paragraphs in this blog. Losing one person to this disease is one person too many and I don’t want it to be you. I want you to know what it feels like—to be on the other side of this.

So please, if you want to know what I am writing about, if you are tired, and I don’t mean physically tired (although you are probably physically tired too). If you are tired to the point that you feel it in your bones, in the center of your being, get help! Come live this life with us! Let us carry you until you get your energy back. Let us help you. We know because we have been there. We know the exhaustion and the daily struggle. The knowing in the depths of yourself that you’re meant for something more, that you aren’t this man/woman who hurts his/her family, lies, steals, cheats and degrades him/herself.

But what if I am just making this all up?

Of course there is always the chance that we are making all of this up. That life isn’t really this good. But at this point, what do you have to lose? Because, for one reason, what if we are right? What if this life, the one you dream about, is attainable, is real, and all it takes is one simple action? What if this is the sign you had been waiting for?

Do you hear me? You are too important. You are meant for this as much as anyone else and it is waiting for you. It is ready whenever you are.

Take that first step and contact us at GateHouse at anytime 24/7. We will get you started on the process to a successful recovery in our drug and alcohol rehab centers. Call us at (855) 448-3588


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