GateHouse Treatment of Florida has received their FARR (Florida Association of Recovery Residences) Accreditation. A FARR Accreditation is a standard requirement all drug rehab Florida, sober living facilities in the state of Florida must maintain to receive the approval. FARR certifies provider compliance with all the NARR standards. This standard is constructed atop the Social Model of Recovery Philosophy which emerged in California some seventy years ago. Drug rehab Florida communities which follow this standard of care can receive their FARR Accreditation like GateHouse Treatment of Florida did.
What is a FARR Accreditation Standard of Care?
It includes three criteria of levels, domains, and standards.
FARR Accreditation Standard of Care: Levels
Each level implements the social model of recovery philosophy (SMRP) to varying degrees and offers distinctly different service intensities. Level IV Residences are licensed providers who blend the “Medical Model” and “Social Model” to create a hybrid often referred to as the “Florida Model”. Level III Residences offer life skills training and 24/7/365 supervision, generally by credentialed staff. Level II Residences monitor resident participation in individual and community recovery activities and Level I Residences, often viewed as a “pure” reflection of SMRP, are democratically run homes where residents self-govern by a set of “house rules” and share monthly expenses.
Together, 37 individual standards containing 113 substandards are organized under four (4) domains to form the NARR Standard. Developed through consensus and drawing on vast experience accumulated by a broad spectrum of recovery housing providers, NARR Quality Standards for Recovery Residences provide for safe, alcohol & drug free, dignified, peer-supportive environments designed to promote consumer development of Recovery Capital. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMSHA) and the White House Office for National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) recognize NARR as a national recovery-oriented housing authority.
What is the distinction between certification and licensing? Consider the differences between these word groupings: Mandatory, Licensing & Regulations -vs- Voluntary, Certification & Standards. Florida mandates all behavioral healthcare providers must be licensed. Some also seek accreditation. Due their clinical component, Level IV Recovery Residences are DCF licenseable entities and often elect to seek accreditation from JCAHO and FARR as a Certified Recovery Residence. Commencing July 1, 2015, all Level I, II & III residences are required by state statute to seek, achieve and sustain certification in order to be eligible for referral from DCF licensed treatment providers.
The FARR Accreditation Certification Overview
FARR Certification is a consultative process. It begins with a thorough review of the NARR Standard by the prospective applicant. Parties who desire to voluntary submit for certification to this Standard may apply online by selecting the “Apply Now” navigation button at the bottom of this page. The dynamic online application form poses specific questions based on answers to preliminary inquiries regarding number of locations and support level(s) offered by the applicant organization.
Document Compliance
Supporting documentation uploaded during the application process is carefully reviewed by staff for evidence of compliance with the NARR Standard. Utilizing proprietary software designed for this specific purpose, staff flags standards that are successfully satisfied as well as those that raise concern. The applicant’s primary contact then receives notification regarding any issues that require resolution prior to scheduling the onsite visit.
Onsite Compliance
FARR requires unrestricted access to interview management, staff and residents to ensure that policies, procedures and protocols are, in fact, implemented in the residential setting. Utilizing the same proprietary software, field staff assess compliance, under each of the NARR Standard domains, to ensure the residence offers safe, dignified, alcohol & drug free, recovery supportive housing that blends into the surrounding community.
Continuing Compliance
Upon completion of the compliance review and after the remaining steps have been satisfied, including owner, manager & staff training, FARR issues a Certificate of Compliance. Applicants are required to embed on their website a link to the FARR Grievance Form and to post “Resident Rights & Responsibilities” in each location. Audit & grievance inspections may be conducted without advanced notice at any time to ensure continued compliance.
A FARR Accreditation is a seal of approval on the safety, efficacy and legitimacy of a sober living home. With this FARR Accreditation you can be sure you or your loved one is in the best place to get help. Learn more here: http://farronline.org/
Gatehouse Treatment of Florida is proud to receive this FARR Accreditation.
Contact us today for more information on treatment options and let us know how GateHouse Treatment of Florida can help.
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