Women’s Drug Rehab: Expectations Vs Reality

How Do Women Overcome Their Fears Of Drug Rehab

women’s drug rehab

Have you ever thought about enrolling in a women’s drug rehab, but you’re afraid of jeopardizing your family? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of women are scared to get the treatment that they need because of the legal and social fears, and lack of child care while in drug treatment. It’s no secret. Women put their health last and family first, but consider this; how can you take care of your family if you’re deceased? According to the Center For Disease Control and Prevention, “more than 70,000 people have died from drug overdose.” As of 2017, drug overdoses accounted for 64,070 deaths in the United States. With this in mind, women are a significant part of this population. So, is it worth your family losing you because you’re afraid to get treated for your drug or alcohol addiction? Take a few minutes to discover how our women’s drug rehab program can help you in your recovery process. Once you get done, give us a call, and let us show you how we offer support for women in recovery.

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Women in Recovery: Breadwinners

Women's Drug Rehab Women's Drug Rehab: Expectations Vs Reality 1

There’s no denying that women rock! According to the Center For American Progress, “In 2015- the year for which most recent data are the available-42 percent of mothers were sole or primary breadwinners.” Another article by the Pew Research states that “Projections from the Bureau of Labor statistics indicate that the female share of the labor force will peak at 47.1% in 2025.” With this in mind, women play a large role in their family structure. Not mention, being a single mother has become the new normal. So how do you successfully achieve sobriety, in a single parent household?

The simple truth is, going to drug rehab for women is a challenge. But, it’s not impossible. GateHouse Treatment can help you and your family find a safe path to recovery. The programs that we offer for women include:

  • Women’s intensive outpatient program
  • Affiliated Women’s Sober Living & Halfway House
  • Specific Therapies and Programming for issues Unique To Women
  • Women’s Family Program

Women in Recovery: What Will Happen To My Kids?


One of the biggest reasons why women delay drug rehab is because they can not find an alternative living arrangement for their children. This is also one of the biggest reasons why 89% of people with drug abuse problems have not received treatment. According to SAMSHA,” of the estimated 22.7 million individuals aged 12 or older in 2013 who needed treatment for an illicit drug or alcohol use problem, 2.5 million received treatment.”

With this in mind, parents are skeptical about enrolling in drug rehab. For the most part, a significant amount of women are afraid of their children ending up in foster care if they seek drug treatment. Therefore a substantial amount of women ignore their drug abuse problems.

Nevertheless, this still doesn’t eliminate the fact that women with drug abuse problems need treatment. At the same time, we shouldn’t ignore the fact that drug addiction can hinder a woman’s ability to be a good parent. However, once treatment is complete, and recovery has begun, women with drug abuse problems can be better parents to their children.

Once the necessary arrangements have been made for childcare, a parent should talk with their children. While children 5 and under may not understand, older children are likely to have noticed substance abuse. Therefore, you should take the time to explain your drug addiction to your children

Women in Recovery: Drug Addiction Stigma Guilt


Women addicted to drug and alcohol have a hard time admitting that they have a substance abuse disorder. Typically, most women think of their drug addiction as having a good time. But little do they know; women have a higher chance of getting addicted to drugs and alcohol than men. According to Drugabuse.gov, “women often use substances differently than men, such as using smaller amounts of certain drugs for less time before they become addicted.” Drugabuse.gov also states, “women may be more likely to go to the emergency room or die from an overdose or other effects of certain substances.” With this in mind, women have a higher chance than men of becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol. Therefore, women with drug addiction problems should consider getting help immediately.

Here at our local women’s drug rehab in New Hampshire, we help women overcome their guilt issues. We also offer programs to help women regain their self-confidence and develop self-appreciation. Combined with family support courses, relationship building tools, and career development, we make it easier for women to achieve recovery.

How Gatehouse Treatment Supports Women in Drug Rehab

If you’re not sure where to start looking for treatment, start with Gatehouse Treatment. Our local New Hampshire drug rehab is fully prepared to help you achieve recovery. From addiction issues to substance misuse disorders, our professional drug rehab therapists can help you overcome your addiction. We also work to build women’s confidence and help them develop better relationships with the ones they love most. While most of our patients prefer to enroll in our Women’s IOP treatment program, we also have a number of treatments for women. Let us help you start your treatment today. Contact Gatehouse Treatment right away. Call now at (855) 448-3588.

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