Hope Dealer Week 6

Ed McDonough, CEO of GateHouse Treatment of New Hampshire and a person in long-term recovery helps bring hope and understanding to people in and out of the recovery community. His guest on the show for this week 6 of the Hope dealer series is Sean Matos, the Director of Operations at GateHouse Treatment. Sean’s primary role at GateHouse is to ensure that clients are actively participating in their recovery.  

Sean talks about his journey into long-term recovery.  From your average New Jersey high school student always wanting more as most teenagers do, to when being a weekend warrior in college took a turn into addiction to drugs and alcohol. Suffering from a traumatic injury in college, it pushed his addiction into the downward spiral so many of us have seen take our loved ones hostage.  

Sean consistently talked about how much his decisions and choices affected his family and loved ones. Being in the grip of addiction doesn’t allow for much of a perspective of the toll that actions of self-destruction takes on others.  

Ed and Sean both talk extensively on how addiction is a family disease and has to be addressed as a family for everyone to heal. Sean said one of the most effective things said to him when he finally opened to recovery was “What do you have left to lose?” That allowed him to give recovery a chance, at GateHouse we believe strongly in our family program. It helps to give the parents and loved ones of the addict the chance to address problems in a healthy manner and sets the path for families to start their own healing journey. Everyone affected by the disease of addiction deserves to recover and that’s what we try to help our clients and families do, together.  

For more information on the family program offered at GateHouse Treatment visit: https://www.gatehousetreatment.com/treatment-info/family-program/   

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