What Is Medication-assisted Treatment?

The Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has stated that the use of FDA-approved medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and evidence-based therapy in treating opioid use disorders is more effective in achieving long-term sobriety compared to therapy alone.

The use of these opioid treatment medications in combination with therapy lessens withdrawal symptoms and reduces cravings drastically with alcohol or opioid use disorders. MAT is one of the most effective treatments for opioid addiction. Opioids include many prescription pain medications.

There are currently medications to treat addiction being researched that would allow for medication-assisted treatment of cocaine use disorders and benzodiazepine use disorder.

Medication-assisted treatment does not cure drug addiction. MAT works best when combined with other opioid treatment programs such as 12-step groups, mental health counseling, behavioral health treatment of substance use disorders and strong aftercare plans.

Long-term sobriety takes daily effort. GateHouse’s assisted treatment offers a solid foundation for our clients’ early recovery through behavioral health and mental health services.

How Does Medication-assisted Treatment Work?

  • Medication-assisted Treatment reduces withdrawal symptoms, such as Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS)
  • Medication-assisted Treatment works to reduce cravings common in early stages of recovery
  • Length of medication use varies by case
  • Allows a physician to closely supervise during early recovery
  • Works by locking onto the opioid receptors in the brain

Is Medication-assisted Treatment Safe?

While there are certain medications used in medication-assisted treatment that can cause dependency, the ones we use do not. 

Naltrexone has the least amount of side effects in medication-assisted treatment. When a client chooses medication-assisted treatment, they are under the close supervision of medical and behavioral health care professionals who check in with them weekly on any side effects from the medication.

If someone on medication-assisted treatment relapses back into opioid addiction, it is important to note that their tolerance level is lowered, and they can be more susceptible to opioid overdose.

Our goal at GateHouse is to provide all the necessary tools for recovery from opioid use disorders, including counseling and behavioral therapies, an introduction to 12-step programs and aftercare plans to give clients the best chance at avoiding relapse.

What Is Vivitrol?

Vivitrol is the brand name for extended-release Naltrexone. It targets two of the most common problems in addiction: alcohol use disorder and opioid dependence. Vivitrol is an injectable drug that must only be administered by medical professionals.

Vivitrol works by blocking opioid receptors in the brain, resulting in patients being unable to feel the “high” from opiates and alcohol. It also works in the parts of the brain that control cravings, reducing the urges to use drugs and alcohol.

GateHouse is at the forefront of drug abuse and mental health treatment by offering addiction treatment to our clients. We work to ensure every client has the best chance to achieve long-term sobriety.

What Is Sublocade?

Sublocade is a monthly injection that slowly releases buprenorphine, helping block the effects of opioids and reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Sublocade is an effective treatment option for those who have difficulties remembering to take medications or prefer not to take medicine daily. As a healthcare provider administers it (via injection into the abdominal area), Sublocade reduces the risks of diversion or misuse.

What Is Suboxone?

Suboxone works as a partial opioid agonist, meaning it sticks to the brain’s receptors to make the body “think” it has enough opioids, preventing feelings of withdrawal. Such medications adhere to receptors longer than abused opiates such as heroin or prescription opioid medications. Suboxone is an oral medication that combines buprenorphine and naloxone, which reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms while blocking the euphoric effects of opioids.

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