Returning to Work after Rehab: 5 Tips to Get back on Track

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How Can I Return to Work after Rehab?

Rebuilding your life after “rehab” or receiving care at a residential addiction treatment facility is a courageous and vital step for many on the recovery path from a substance use disorder (SUD). The process of returning to work after rehab can be both a nerve-wracking and empowering experience for many valid reasons.
However, in many cases, this reintegration into career life comes with many benefits, including a sense of purpose, accomplishment, and positive obligations. Best of all, successfully reintegrating into your career can be accomplished by taking a few steps and considerations.
Still, the process of re-establishing life after addiction treatment leaves many asking: how can I return to work after rehab?
It’s a valuable question to ask during recovery as it demonstrates concern for yourself and others and your dedication to future goals.
Ultimately, individuals returning to work after rehab should do their best to take it one day at a time. For many, this also includes proactive measures like maintaining a suitable work-life balance, advocating for ongoing support when needed, and setting reasonable expectations surrounding the transition back to work-life in recovery.
In this guide by GateHouse Treatment, we will explore helpful strategies and tips to help you or your loved one successfully reintegrate back into your career after addiction recovery. Additionally, we will discuss ways to maintain your sobriety as you work towards regaining a sense of normalcy around routine things like work.
Fortunately, returning to work after rehab can be a genuine triumph for many and signify a new beginning as a sober person in the workforce. So, keep reading to learn more about how to make lasting changes after attending rehab.
Visit here for more information about GateHouse Treatment. Click here to read other blogs about addiction, recovery, and rehabilitation resources.

The Importance of Rebuilding Your Life after Attending Rehab for Substance Use Disorders

After completing rehab, you must take some critical steps to set a new foundation for your life and create a sense of routine like that experienced by many during their time in rehab. This process of creating structure may include:
  • Returning to work
  • Beginning a career again after experiencing job loss
  • Learning a new vocation after pivoting professions
However, getting back to work life doesn’t have to be a negative chapter of your life. In fact, the transition can provide a sense of motivation for those in recovery as they navigate their new sober lifestyle.

The Impacts of Addiction on Employment and Careers

Sadly, over time, active addiction can sometimes make some unrecognizable to themselves, affecting every element of life, even their careers. Addiction can cause some individuals to behave in ways that may be inconsistent with their true nature and carry long-term consequences they must overcome.
The following are some work-related struggles some individuals during active addiction:
  • Job losses
  • Strained relationships with coworkers or superiors
  • Decline in work performance
  • Shame and judgment from colleagues who don’t understand your struggles
Before going to rehab, many people in addiction may have centered their lives around seeking and using substances. Now, after getting help and gaining freedom from this addictive behavior through rehab, for some, adjusting to life, including returning to work, can be challenging but worthwhile.

The Benefits of Returning to Work after Rehab

There are many benefits to getting back into professional life after addiction treatment at a rehab facility. Returning to work allows individuals with SUDS to regain financial stability, develop new skills, and build self-esteem that they have lost during their time spent in active addiction. It can also serve as a reminder that there is life after darkness and that lasting change is possible.
Additionally, having obligations like returning to work can help individuals focus on their recovery journey by providing a sense of accountability that can support their ongoing sobriety goals.
Integrating into one’s professional life after rehab also provides an opportunity to start fresh and reintroduce oneself to the world and workforce as a sober person. Finally, it also allows individuals to take responsibility for their past mistakes and make amends, ultimately leading to personal growth, development, and reflective self-expansion that can prevent future relapses.

Challenges You May Face Returning to Work after Rehab

Returning to work after rehab may involve its own set of difficulties. Fortunately, many are manageable and possible to overcome.
Some common obstacles to returning to work may include the following:
  • Dealing with Stigma: Unfortunately, there is still a negative stigma surrounding substance use disorders and those in recovery from addiction. This harmful stigma can create discomfort or awkwardness around some coworkers or employers.
  • Anxiety and Stress: The transition back to work may cause feelings of anxiety or stress as you navigate new expectations and responsibilities, which may increase your urges to use.
  • Triggers: Work environments can sometimes be triggering for individuals in recovery, especially if it was where substance use was previously occurring. Avoiding triggers like work happy hours or being transparent about being substance-free can help some stay sober in the workplace and avoid temptation.
  • Balancing Work and Recovery: When you return to work, it’s essential to establish a healthy work-life balance to ensure your success. To do this, ensure you unplug after work and spend time focusing on your wellness.

5 Helpful Tips for Returning to Work After Rehab


1. If Possible, Be Open and Honest with Your Employer or Human Resources Department about Your Recovery Journey.

Being transparent about your experiences and any potential accommodations you may need after rehab can help you establish a supportive work atmosphere that will help you on your recovery journey.
While you don’t have to disclose any personal information about your addiction or substance use history, it can be helpful to explain that you need medical treatment for a condition.

2. Communicate with Trusted Friends or Peers about Your Situation.

Having a support system at work and outside of it can make all the difference in navigating triggers and temptations around using substances and work stress.

3. Set Realistic Expectations for Yourself.

When returning to work after rehab, it’s essential not to put too much pressure on yourself. Set achievable goals and prioritize self-care to prevent burnout.

4. Pause and Take Breaks

Find healthy ways to manage your stress in addiction recovery at work through pauses and breaks. Whether it’s taking a few minutes for a quick meditation, exercise, or texting a therapist, this pause can go a long way in keeping you relapse-free and feeling less overwhelmed.

5. Advocate for Ongoing Support and Accommodations If Needed.

If you feel that you need additional support or accommodations in the workplace due to your recovery needs, don’t be afraid to speak up and advocate for yourself. It’s essential to prioritize your health and have the necessary tools in place to succeed in both the workplace and throughout recovery.
In most cases, employers will work with reasonable accommodations to improve work environments for employees in need.

Recognize That Addiction Recovery Is Ongoing

For most people in addiction recovery, remaining sober is an ongoing process that requires commitment. Still, for many, it does become more manageable after time. Recognizing this is crucial for maintaining sobriety and achieving long-term success in addiction recovery, especially when times get tough and you may consider using again.

Continuing Support for Employees in Recovery for Substance Use Disorders

Continuing support, in addition to rehab, comes in various forms, each contributing uniquely to a person’s addiction treatment needs.
Here are a few forms of outside support some use while reintegrating into the workplace:

1. Individualized Therapy:

Regular sessions with a therapist who understands addiction can help you address underlying issues that may contribute to addictive tendencies and develop coping mechanisms to stay on track throughout the process.

2. Medical Check-ups:

Routine check-ups with your healthcare provider ensure that you remain physically and mentally healthy.

3. 12-Step Programs:

12-step programs, such as AA or NA, offer a structured model that includes step work. These steps focus on essential aspects of recovery, including acceptance, accountability, and community support.

Ultimately, Returning to Work Is a Significant Cornerstone of Recovery for Many

Returning to work after rehab serves as a significant milestone in the recovery process for those whose careers were significant or one day will be. It provides structure, stability, purpose, and financial independence, all of which are essential for rebuilding one’s life and feeling more accomplished after the pain, grief, and chaos that life with addiction can cause.
Additionally, having a job can also boost self-esteem and confidence, reduce stress and boredom, and create opportunities for socializing with coworkers.
So, keep walking along the path of sobriety with confidence and determination. And remember that GateHouse Treatment is here for you every step of the way!

More about Recovering and Returning to Life with Gatehouse Treatment

GateHouse Treatment is a substance abuse treatment center located in beautiful Nashua, New Hampshire. Our team of experienced addiction professionals offers evidence-based treatment for individuals struggling with substance use disorders, ultimately seeking freedom from these complicated, sometimes fatal conditions.
We provide comprehensive addiction services through a range of programs at different levels of care, including residential treatment, intensive inpatient therapy, and aftercare planning.
Contact us today via this online link or by calling us at (855) 448-3588 to learn more about how we can support you on your journey to lasting sobriety.
Alongside GateHouse Treatment, it’s possible to overcome the challenges of addiction and create a brighter, more extended future for your family affected by these painful realities.
Brittany Marie

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