10 Signs and Symptoms Your Loved One Is Addicted to Meth

How to Deal with Someone Addicted to Meth

Most people are familiar with “crystal meth face,” as it’s called, which is only an external sign that someone is addicted to meth. The “Faces of Meth” campaign that became a national phenomenon is a perfect example of how meth addiction ravages a person.

What is Meth?

Crystal meth or crystal methamphetamine is a dangerous synthetic drug and a powerful central nervous system stimulant. Crystal meth is highly addictive, and methamphetamines do have an accepted medical use. Meth also has a high potential for abuse and can lead to severe physical and psychological dependence, even in medical forms like Adderall.

In the past, methamphetamine addiction was rampant across the country, and there were many restrictions put on ingredients needed to make meth. The meth crisis recently took a backseat to the opioid epidemic that we’re currently facing. Now, crystal meth is gaining popularity again, and more people are becoming addicted to meth. How do you know if your loved one is addicted to meth (what are the signs of a “tweaker”)?

How Does Meth Work?

Watch this short video to learn more how meth works and why the crash feels so bad.

What Are Some Common Slang Names for Meth?

Since drug use without a prescription is illegal, new words and terms are constantly being created to hide the activity from law enforcement and others. Knowing these can be the first step in how to deal with someone on meth. Some examples are:

  • Speed
  • Crank
  • Chalk
  • Wash
  • Trash
  • Dunk
  • Gak
  • Pookie
  • Cookies
  • Christina
  • No doze
  • White cross
  • Cotton candy
  • Rocket fuel
  • Scooby Snax

What are some slang terms for the act of getting high on meth:

  • Tweaking
  • Getting geared up
  • Chicken flipping
  • Hot rolling
  • Getting fried or foiled
  • Zooming
  • Getting scattered or spun out

Meth is frequently mixed with other drugs. Slang for some combinations include:

  • Fire
  • Shabu
  • Twisters
  • Hugs and kisses
  • Biker coffee
  • Party and play

11 Common Signs of Being High on Meth

Someone on Meth will typically show these common signs:

  1. Dilated pupils
  2. Loss of appetite
  3. Sleeplessness
  4. Extreme euphoria
  5. Uncontrollable jaw clenching (usually due to increased anxiety)
  6. Elevated body temperature
  7. Violent behavior
  8. Long periods of wakefulness and a sudden “crash
  9. Skin sores
  10. Twitching, facial tics, or jerky movements
  11. Drastic weight loss

If a loved one is exhibiting any of these signs, they may be getting high on meth. While they may not yet be addicted to meth, addiction occurs rapidly with crystal meth due to the intense crash associated with using meth. The crash and burn cause users to return to using crystal meth to escape emotions like depression associated with the comedown.


What Does Meth Look Like? / What does “Crank” look like?

When you’re trying to figure out if someone is high on meth, it is helpful to know what meth looks like. The two most common forms of meth are a crystalline powder and a shiny glass-like form called crystal meth. Meth is bitter-tasting and odorless. While it is usually white, the crystalline form may range from bluish-white, yellow, brown or even pink depending on what it was cooked with and what cutting agents were used.

Long-Term Health Effects of Being Addicted to Meth

Getting high on meth damages the brain, and it can take up to two years to repair the damage, but the damage may be irreparable. Being addicted to meth also destroys the body, particularly teeth, which is the primary cause of crystal meth face. There are many long-term effects of meth use that often leave users with permanent damage.

Addicted to Meth: Mental Effects (More Signs of a “Tweaker”)

Addicted to Meth: Physical Effects

  • Damaged blood vessels in the brain and heart.
  • Damage to the veins and cardiovascular system (associated with intravenous use of crystal meth).
  • Meth mouth—a contributor to crystal meth face, the destructive effect meth has on the teeth has been documented thoroughly, and it can permanently damage mouths.
  • Permanent scarring—meth users tend to suffer physically from hallucinations and feelings of bugs crawling under their skin and will obsessively pick and scratch, resulting in sores. The sores often don’t heal, which also contributes to crystal meth face. However, it’s not just restricted to faces; these scars can be all over the body.

While most of these mental and physical long-term effects can improve over time, they only improve if there is maintained sobriety from crystal meth. Gaining sobriety after long-term substance abuse is a battle. However, recovery from being addicted to crystal meth is possible despite the devastating effects.

Crystal Meth Addiction Treatment

Crystal meth is one of the worst drugs available, but there is treatment for crystal meth addiction, just like any other drug addiction. If you believe that your loved one is addicted to being high on meth, contact us today at (855) 211-1486. Don’t let your loved one get swallowed in the meth epidemic. You can heal. We can help.

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