What Are Relapse Triggers: Internal Vs External Relapse Triggers

relapse triggers What Are Relapse Triggers: Internal Vs External Relapse Triggers 1

Addiction relapse triggers in drug and alcohol abuse recovery are quickly becoming a major concern for inpatient and outpatient treatment addicts. Substance abuse triggers are internal and external cues that cause a person in recovery to crave drugs and often relapse or lapse.

On average more than 85% of individuals are susceptible to relapse in the following year after drug and alcohol treatment. Relapse triggers are far more extreme for recovering addicts in the early recovery months of addiction treatment.

A significant amount of people struggling with substance abuse find it difficult to resist relapse triggers. The negative side effects of relapsing after enrolling in drug and alcohol recovery programs is another concern. In recent experiences, drug and alcohol abuse after practicing abstinence, heightens an individuals chances of overdosing.

Gatehouse Treatment would like to help you overcome your relapse triggers. We propose you take a moment to learn about how addictive triggers can impact your life. In doing so, you will be able to spot the different signs of addiction and protect yourself better in the future.

What are relapse triggers?
Relapse triggers, addiction triggers, and relapse addiction can cause a person to crave drugs and eventually relapse. The most common addiction relapse triggers originate with long-term substance use. Henceforth, chronic alcohol abuse leads to a cognitive recognition of daily routines associated with drug experiences. As a result, this can lead to substance use disorders relapse.

Relapse: Most Common Addiction Triggers
When it comes down to drug and alcohol abuse, long-term substance use creates two different types of relapse triggers: External Relapse Triggers and Internal Relapse Triggers.

Internal Relapse TriggersExternal Relapse Triggers
Negative FeelingsPeople
Normal FeelingsPlaces
Positive FeelingsSituations

External Relapse Triggers

External relapse triggers can be defined as people, places, activities, objects, and situations. Each of these things can trigger a downward spiral of events in an individual’s drug and alcohol recovery process. While each person’s external triggers are different,  there’s no denying the severity of these addictive triggers.  For instance, the mere sighting of cocaine images, and empty prescription bottles can trigger a  person to relapse or lapse.  With this in mind, it is important for people in recovery to avoid people, places, activities, objects, and situations, that remind them of using drugs and alcohol. If you’re not sure what kind of external addictive triggers you should avoid, keep reading.
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People Trigger Relapse

Choose your company wisely. Believe it or not, some of the closest people to you can trigger a relapse. While it is difficult to step away from friends, family, and loved ones; sometimes, you may have to keep them at an arm’s length.  And if you can’t avoid these people in your life,  you should consider limiting your time with them, even if it is a coworker or your employers; Limit how much time you spend with them in the office. In the process, you will be able to better maintain your abstinence and find it easier for you to recover.

While some people may not understand your actions, over time they will have to learn how to respect your choices.

List of people who can cause an addiction relapse:

People Who Influence Cravings

  • Former Drug Dealers
  • Friends
  • Coworkers
  • Employers
  • Family Members
  • Spouses and Partners

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Old Places And Hangouts Can Trigger Relapse

Hometown pride can be tough when you’re in recovery. Drug and alcohol addiction triggers can easily be set off by visiting old places. While most of these places may seem harmless, they are actually an extreme threat to men and women’s sobriety. As we all know, certain places bring back certain memories for everyone. With this in mind, drug addicts and alcoholics can easily get trapped in memory lane. Therefore, we recommend people in recovery avoid going to old places that can trigger addiction. Now, you’re probably wondering how?

Here’s one solution. If you can find alternative routes to your next destination, try to map out your drive.  If you can’t avoid these places, limit your time there.

Here’s are a list of places that can trigger relapse:

Places That Trigger Addiction Relapse

  • Worksites
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools
  • Former Drug-Stash Locations
  • A Friends House
  • Bars
  • Concerts
  • Neighborhoods
  • Hotels

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When it comes down to situations, everyone handles adversity differently. While some people manage difficult situations with ease, people in recovery can easily slip back into old habits when dealing with new situations. For instance, the death of a loved one can easily trigger a relapse in a recovering addict. Another example is meeting new people. Some, people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction feel as though they can’t mix and mingle without the use of substances. However, payday can also play a huge role in someone relapsing.

The solution to managing difficult situations is learning how to confront them without drugs and alcohol. If you’re not sure how to confront these situations, contact us today. We can help you overcome your relapse triggers.

Situations That Trigger Relapses

  • Parties
  • Meeting New People
  • Intimacy
  • Pay Day
  • Calls From Debt Collectors
  • Losing a Loved One
  • Family Gatherings

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Objects: Things That Can Trigger Relapse

People who struggle with drug and alcohol should be mindful of their surroundings. The smallest things can set an addicts craving off. Even belts can trigger memories of drug use in former heroin users. Some of the things that can trigger relapses include:

Situations That Trigger Relapses

  • Furniture
  • Magazines
  • Movies
  • Credit Cards
  • Empty Pill Bottles

Internal Drug And Alcohol Relapse Triggers

Internal triggers are more difficult to control than external risks. While you can avoid your external triggers, you can not avoid your internal triggers. Therefore, you must learn how to conquer yourself so that you are unconquerable. Some of the internal triggers that can cause relapse are negative feelings, normal feelings, and positive feelings
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Negative Feelings Trigger Relapses

Negative feelings are extremely dangerous for recovering addicts. For example, deep levels of depression can instantly cause a downward spiral in an individuals recovery. Anxiety can also trigger a relapse. Some of the other negative feelings that can cause relapse are:

Negative Feelings Trigger Relapses

  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Irritation
  • Overconfidence
  • Anger
  • Hate
  • Jealousy
  • Shame
  • Depression
  • Loneliness
  • Feeling Criticized

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Positive Feelings Trigger Relapse

Positive feelings are also relapse triggers for people in recovery. Such feelings can include celebratory feelings, passion, and excitement. Granted these feelings are positive, they can easily trigger relapses. For example, most celebrations involve substance use among-st friends and family. Therefore, if you’re in a drug and alcohol recovery stage,  this environment can inspire you to feel celebratory and want to participate.

The solution to overcoming this relapse trigger is to learn how to channel your positive feelings in a positive way, without the use of substance abuse.

Positive Feelings Trigger Relapses

  • Celebratory Feelings
  • Confidence
  • Happiness
  • Passion
  • Strength
  • Exhaustion
  • Sexual arousal
  • Feeling “normal”

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Normal Feelings Trigger Relapse

As we all know,  the normal feelings that we all experience on the day to day can take a serious toll on everyone. In most cases, some people will easily push through their normal day to day feelings. But, as small as things may be for some people, these are relapse triggers for people in recovery.  If you’re not sure which normal feelings can trigger a relapse, take a look below:

Normal Feelings That Trigger Relapse

  • Nervousness
  • Insecurity
  • Boredom
  • Sadness
  • Embarrassment
  • Loneliness
  • Pressure
  • Tiredness
  • Frustration
  • Neglect

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Stress Triggers Relapse For Drug And Alcohol Addicts

Recent studies by Brown University have proven that ” Exposure to stress is associated with drug addiction in humans  and can induce relapse and craving.” In other words, stress is also a critical factor in drug and alcohol relapse. In many cases, addiction relapse rates are much higher for individuals dealing with stress.  Some of the leading stress factors that can trigger relapses include:

Stress Triggers Relapse

  • Work
  • Divorce
  • School
  • Social Status
  • Increased financial obligations
  • Traumatic events

Have You Ever Experienced Any Of These Relapse Triggers In Your Life

If you’re trying to overcome your drug and alcohol addiction, but your struggling with relapse triggers, you should consider contacting Gatehouse Treatment. We can help you define your addiction triggers, then help you find the best way to overcome them. Trust us! No one under standards how tough alcohol triggers and drug triggers can be, especially if you are trying to battle them alone. Don’t let your relapse triggers take you away from living the sober life you’ve always wanted. Contact our local drug and alcohol rehab near you. Let us help you make the right decisions for your future. Call now 855.448.3588

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