The Role of Support Animals in Addiction Recovery Journeys

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How Do Support Animals Really Help Those in Recovery from Addiction?

In recent years, various support animals, such as therapy pets, emotional support animals (ESAs), and service animals, have become increasingly valuable resources for many individuals recovering from substance use disorders (SUDs) and other complex addictions.
Support animals provide numerous benefits, as shown by science, for those facing these painful realities. However, many still ask: How do support animals really help those in recovery from addiction?
Support animals aid those in recovery from addiction in many ways. In some cases, the owners of these support animals may have faced complex lives before adopting or working with them.
These individuals may have had few experiences of loyalty and companionship without judgment, which support animals can help to provide. This connection between humans and animals can be tremendously powerful and grounding.
These animals can also help promote emotional, psychological, and physical healing. They do so by offering their owners or those working with them comfort, stability, and security during tough times. These instances may include when they leave addiction treatment or feel lost in their recovery.
Additionally, support animals can also add a sense of accountability that benefits many in confronting addiction. Because all animals require their owner to uphold certain obligations for their survival, this responsibility can help those struggling with substance misuse to reconsider potentially destructive choices before they make them.
For example, the person in addiction recovery may reconsider relapsing because they know their animal needs or will miss them if something goes wrong.
Finally, support animals also help those in recovery by helping them recognize they are loved and needed. Through their unconditional support, these animals help to demonstrate that connection is possible even if you’ve experienced chaos, mistakes, and dysfunction.
Ultimately, the endless emotional support and purpose these animals offer those they serve can be genuinely transformative and have lasting positive effects on the recovery of many. This unique therapeutic value is something that conventional therapy methods cannot always provide or achieve.
In this article by GateHouse Treatment, we will explore how support animals can improve addiction recovery journeys for many undergoing them. We will also discuss the science behind the healing power of animals and how these supportive friends can have lasting effects on the recovery of many.
So please keep reading to learn more about this important topic!
Click here for more information about addiction recovery with GateHouse Treatment. Visit us here to read our other blogs about recovery, addiction, and substance use disorders.

Understanding Addiction and How Support Animals Can Help

Addiction is a complicated and pervasive condition that can affect individuals and their loved ones on many different levels.
Individuals living in active addiction often experience several negative consequences because of their lifestyle and what it requires to maintain their dependency. These can include physical, emotional, and social issues.
The impact of addiction on families is also devastating. Over time, active addiction can cause relationships to become broken or strained. Other issues may relate to employment and finances.
Due to the complex nature of addiction, comprehensive support is often essential, and holistic approaches are helping more people recover every day. Recovery from addiction involves more than just abstaining from drugs or alcohol. It’s about rebuilding a life that is healthy, fulfilling, and meaningful.
Overall, the presence of support animals can help individuals feel more grounded as they navigate these changes, providing stability and encouragement during challenges and setbacks.
Engaging in activities like caring for horses at a rehabilitation center, adopting a dog after discussing it with your treatment team, or enjoying the therapy animal during outpatient programs can significantly enhance sobriety outcomes for many.

The Benefits of Support Animals in Addiction Recovery

Being in recovery from an SUD can be an incredibly isolating experience, leaving many experiencing it feeling they are alone and different from others for a variety of reasons. These may include their past decisions, their new lifestyle choices, or what it takes to remain sober.
The companionship that a support animal provides can help alleviate these damaging feelings that can prevent lasting recovery and lead to overdoses, relapses, and fatalities. Support animals can also enhance social interactions by acting as icebreakers, encouraging their owners to engage with others more broadly.
This emotional connection can be especially advantageous for those who may have withdrawn from social activities due to their addiction.
Furthermore, support animals provide a sense of purpose and routine, which are essential components of successful recovery for many. The responsibility of caring for a support animal can instill a daily structure and offer a distraction from cravings or destructive thoughts.

The Science Behind Support Animals and Their Impacts on Mental Health

Studies show that the presence of a support animal can help to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and increase feelings of calmness in those struggling with substance use. This chemical boost is especially advantageous during the early stages of addiction recovery, when individuals may experience intense emotions alongside high levels of stress.
In treatment for addiction recovery, where stress and anxiety can be significant barriers to staying sober, the soothing presence of a support animal can make a meaningful difference. This symbiotic relationship benefits both the individual and the animal, fostering mutual growth and healing.

Types of Support Animals for Those Experiencing Addiction Recovery

According to UMass Medical School, support animals come in various forms, each serving different functions and holding different community privileges.
Here are a few examples of the most common forms of support animals:
  • Emotional Support Animals (ESAs): This form of support animal offers comfort and companionship to those with emotional or psychological conditions. They do not typically require specialized training but must be well-behaved in public.
  • Therapy Animals: Therapy animals can often visit hospitals, schools, and other settings to provide comfort and support to those attending. These animals may undergo training to ensure they can handle different environments and situations. Therapy animals do not have the same privileges as service animals and do not support their owners to the degree service animals can.
  • Service Animals: Service animals perform distinct tasks for individuals with disabilities, such as guiding a blind person or detecting seizures. These trained animals can help their owners wherever they go, even where most ESA or therapy animals are not welcome.  The presence of service animals can save their owner’s lives.
When choosing a support animal, it’s essential to consider the individual’s needs and lifestyle, as well as training. It is also vital to consider compatibility and the bond between the person and the animal. Compatibility can significantly impact the animal’s effectiveness in helping the person throughout their recovery experience.

Support Animals Offer Numerous Benefits to Those in Recovery from Addiction and Beyond!

Support animals offer a unique and valuable form of assistance in addiction recovery. Their presence can help to foster emotional well-being, provide motivation, and offer a friend when you need it most.
Fortunately, for many individuals in recovery, considering the addition of a support animal can be a step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life. So, keep doing your research, talk to your treatment team, and consider adding a furry friend to your family for better mental health and sobriety outcomes!
Happy Healing!

More About Addiction Recovery with Gatehouse Treatment

GateHouse Treatment specializes in providing comprehensive and holistic support for individuals on recovery journeys from various substance use disorders. We offer treatment programs for opioid use disorders, alcohol, and more.
Our expert addiction treatment team designs programs that incorporate various therapeutic approaches and offer different levels of care. We proudly serve individuals across Nashua, New Hampshire.
To learn more about GateHouse Treatment and our addiction treatment center, contact us via this link or by calling (855) 448-3588.
At GateHouse Treatment, we can help you or a loved one achieve lasting sobriety in the best way for them. Let’s begin the conversation today.
Brittany Marie

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