Addiction alcohol addiction recovery

Healing the brain after alcoholism. A man holds his temples in need of brain healing

Healing the Brain After Alcoholism: 5 Tips for Recovery

Healing the brain after alcoholism is an endeavor that requires time, patience, and commitment. Anyone who has suffered from alcohol use disorder (AUD) can benefit from understanding the effects that alcohol has on the brain both in the short and long term, as well as the most efficient ways to get the necessary treatment and

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Daily Schedule

Higher Power in Recovery: Personalizing the 12-Steps

Establishing a higher power in recovery is crucial to follow a 12-step program for many on their journey to long-term sobriety. Some debate exists on what this means for those feeling excluded from the 12-step community because they don’t identify with spiritual concepts. When considering this issue, it’s essential to recognize the 12-step recovery model

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Teen Addiction

Teen Addiction: Know the Warning Signs

National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week is an incredible week-long event established to promote the accurate spread of helpful information regarding addiction, alcohol, and drugs. NDAFW happens yearly and fosters inspiring conversations regarding the science of drug use, particularly teen addiction and substance use, through a nonjudgmental lens. During this event, teens, parents, specialists, and

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National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week; alcohol addicted woman looking at whiskey in glass

What Is National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week?

Substance abuse and addiction are growing public health concerns with severe consequences for individuals, families, and communities living through a global crisis. To promote awareness and encourage an open dialogue about drug and alcohol use among young people, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) launched National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week (NDAFW). This yearly,

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Alcohol Abuse and Finance

Alcohol Abuse and Finance: 3 Destructive Spending Habits to Watch

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, alcohol abuse in the U.S. rose to almost a quarter trillion dollars in 2010. This cost amounts to an average of $2.05 per drink or about $807 per person. Since alcohol abuse has nearly doubled, the cost of alcohol problems has increased severely. In the same

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Alcohol and Depression

Alcohol and Depression: 4 Damaging Truths

Alcohol addiction and depression are two conditions that can significantly impact a person’s mental and physical health. They are also often interconnected. Alcohol and depression have a “chicken or the egg” relationship, in the sense that one can lead to the other and vice versa. Additionally, they have a mutual pull on each other; when

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alcohol addiction

5 Harmful Ways Alcohol Abuse Impacts The Brain

Most people understand the adverse effects of alcohol; after all, at one point or another, we’ve experienced it. Hangovers the mornings after are apparent signs that whatever it does to the brain isn’t good. Alcohol abuse scars the liver, hurts the heart, and negatively affects the brain. Within 5 to 10 minutes of reaching your

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exercise fights addiction

5 Powerful Ways Exercise Fights Addiction

Everyone, on some level, understands that exercise has positive effects. What needs to be clarified is how exercise can help curb addiction. We’ve all heard of the phrase “runner’s high”, the euphoria after a long period of cardio. Still, exercise’s effects on addiction are varied and impossible to be captured under a single umbrella term.

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Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol Poisoning: The Deadly Danger of Exceeding Your Limit 

Despite what many may believe, alcohol poisoning can affect anyone and is not limited to the stereotypical “alcoholic” or first-time teenage partygoer. Alcohol poisoning can happen if you’re out celebrating with friends after a big job win or even having some wine alone at home during an emotionally difficult time. It can occur intentionally or

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