Bigger Than Me – Social Media and Recovery

Anonymous: (of a person) not identified by name; of unknown name. 

The topic of anonymity and social media is the conversation this week on  

Bigger Than Me with Rocky and the newest addition to the team, Bri. Almost everyone in and out of fellowships has a social media account of some sort. There are pages that you wouldn’t want your boss to see that you follow, but what about a recovery page? Is there a backlash about it and why is it important for some to remain anonymous and others flaunt that they are in recovery all over social media? 

The 12th Tradition and Social Media

In 12 step fellowships, we follow traditions as well, the 12th tradition being “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, ever reminding us to place principals over personalities.” 

Can we break our anonymity or only reveal it? Can we break another person’s anonymity? 

Critical reasons as to why anonymity is so important are that when AA had first developed the founders were a doctor and a stockbroker; these were professional men who had drank while performing medical services and investing money for corporations. This carries over still today with people from all walks of life being in the fellowships. We also don’t want to inspire internal conflict with what we do in our programs; our primary purpose is to spread the message to the person who still suffers not compare or portray ourselves as better than.  

Rocky also made sure to point out that when people for example who are famous are known to be in a fellowship and relapse, and it’s made public, people who are still struggling with substance abuse and see that can perceive it as if it can work for so-and-so there’s no way it can work for me.  

How and What do we use Social Media for?

Rocky and Bri both discuss how you must take a neutral stance on social media, it can be used for good and evil, what you put into it is what you’ll get out of it. This can be beneficial to those in recovery if used how they feel is right, if they reveal that they are in recovery it is then on them as to the repercussions that come with it. Good or bad, it could not affect any other aspect of their life, or someone could lose out on an opportunity because of the stigma that is attached from being in recovery from substance abuse.   

The situation in Egypt was brought up how one man changed a country through a social media page that he had made about an injustice that resulted in the brutal murder of his friend. It could have remained just that, a Facebook page, instead it turned into a revolutionary beginning. We give social media the power, the action of posting is just putting your thoughts on the internet. 

Rocky touched on one of the many acronyms that are used in the fellowships, T.H.I.N.K before you say something. Is it: True? Honest? Inspiring? Necessary? Kind? We have the power of the world at our fingertips; it’s up to us how we’re going to use it for our recovery. 

How to Start A Journey into Recovery Through Social Media

If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse reach out to use on our Facebook, GateHouse Treatment of New Hampshire/Florida GateHouse Sober Community or call our admissions line 24/7 at  855-448-3774 

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