Hope Dealer Week 4

On episode 4 of the Hope Dealer, hosted by the CEO of GateHouse Treatment of New Hampshire, Ed McDonough brings Mark Macaluso, Marketing Outreach Coordinator at GateHouse Treatment, and the Chief Zuckling of Danbury Police Department on to the show as guests this week.

The group talks about the story of how the police officer met an employee of GateHouse Treatment when being pulled over for speeding and got to talking about the work GateHouse does for the community regarding the opioid crisis.

Fast forward to now, GateHouse Treatment of New Hampshire works closely with local law enforcement and how this relationship is beneficial to both parties. Law enforcement is able to learn from recovery advocates on how to approach those that are suffering from the disease of addiction to offer them treatment.

Law enforcement plays a big role in the ongoing opioid crisis which makes them a crucial part of the solution as well. There is a very ugly part of this disease and that’s the effect addiction has on families and the communities. Especially in some smaller towns, it is important that recovery advocates and law enforcement come together and work as a group to finding a viable solution. Overdoses are on the rise, and most definitely prevalent in rural communities just as much as they are in major urban hubs.

This partnership between GateHouse Treatment and local law enforcement allows for more people to have access to effective treatment and a huge part in reducing the stigma associated with addiction in the community. The chief shares some instances that they have gotten calls through this program GateHouse and Police Departments have set up, where they have been able to help individuals get into treatment. “That is huge. This guy called me the next morning and thanked me for getting him the help he needed. That is awesome,” Chief Zuckling said.

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