GateHouse Treatment and Covid-19
As the entire world faces the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the staff at GateHouse Treatment and GH Recovery Solutions wants the public to know we will continue to fight the disease of addiction as well. We encourage those seeking help to continue to reach out; we will be here throughout the pandemic and beyond. We are in lock-step with the Nashua Department of Public Health and have been commended for going above and beyond recommended practices. At GateHouse, we place client care first as we continue our mission to provide best-in-class treatment. Based on recommended CDC (Centers for Disease Control) guidelines, GateHouse has implemented these practices into the daily programs at our clinical offices and housing facilities: Safety of Clients and Staff Staff and clients have been directed to avoid skin-to-skin contact, practice stringent hand hygiene and report any suspected symptoms to medical staff as soon as possible. Our clients are being educated on COVID-19 and its symptoms. They are engaged in proactive procedures to help minimize the spread of potential infection. At-risk clients will be offered the option to receive alternative programming that limits their exposure to other people. Admissions All new admissions will be screened for exposure to COVID-19, including potential exposure, travel history, potential contact with persons who may have traveled to areas of concern or any possibility of direct contact with people exposed to COVID-19, as well as any symptoms of illness. Treatment Enhancements Additional access to phones and videoconferencing will be provided, as available, to allow