Parents and Addiction

As a parent, you never stop worrying about your children, whether they’re 3, 13 or 36 years old. Your son is having financial problems—you help him if you can. Your daughter is upset about a relationship—you counsel her. And, you hope it never happens, but if one of your children is ill or has a disease, you do everything in your power to help them get well.

Even though medical experts agree today that addiction—or as it is properly termed, substance use disorder—is a disease, it still carries a stigma. Parents of addicts often blame themselves or even each other for what they perceive as a failure on their part. Families are often at a loss for what to do in the face of addiction.

As parents, we must learn to see substance abuse as a disease of the brain that affects the entire family. Addiction is not caused by an individual’s behavior or poor decisions. It is the result of a combination of factors, such as:

  • Genetic makeup
  • Parental influences
  • Home environment
  • Social influences
  • Psychological condition
Father and Son
Mother and Young Adult Child

We Are Your Partners in Treatment

At GateHouse, we approach the treatment of addiction and mental health by supporting the whole family system. We view parents and families as our valuable partners in the treatment of your loved one. And there is special support for you, the family members, throughout the process.

GateHouse provides a comprehensive, evidence-based treatment program for adults of any age and their families. We use a team-based method involving not just family members, but teachers, counselors, past treatment professionals and other experts from the community.

How Do I Know If My Son or Daughter Is an Addict?

Addiction or substance abuse is medically defined as a pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress as demonstrated by three or more of the following at any time in the same 12-month period:

  • Need for increased amounts of a substance to achieve intoxication or the desired effect
  • Withdrawal symptoms for the substance
  • Substance taken in larger amounts or over a longer period of time than intended
  • Unsuccessful efforts to reduce or control substance use
  • Increased time and resources spent in activities to obtain the substance, use the substance or recover from the effects of the substance
  • Neglect of social, occupational or recreational activities
Son and Mother

How Do I Know If a Treatment Program Is Right for My Son or Daughter?

Here are a few questions you can ask us or any treatment provider to determine the right choice for you and your family:

  • Can treatment be customized to my family’s needs?
  • Is the family system included throughout the program?
  • What support services are available?
  • Are there academic and vocational services?
  • Will there be continuing care after treatment?
  • How is relapse handled?
  • What is the success rate with clients? And how is success defined?


According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, over 90 percent of people get help after an intervention.1

“Intervention.” National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, 2015.

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How It Works

Interventions allow families to take a proactive stance. They help you reach out to the person who needs help.

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When Is It Necessary?

Interventions aren’t the first step in helping an addict. There are specific situations where an intervention by a trained professional should be considered.

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Intervention Letters

Intervention letters play a crucial role in an intervention. This is a structured way for you to structure your thoughts to be clearly presented to your loved one.

Understanding Addiction

Addiction is a chronic, progressive, and sometimes fatal disease.

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The Disease Of Addiction

Addiction is a chronic, often-relapsing brain disease that causes compulsive use of mind or mood-altering substances, despite harmful consequences to the individual and those around them.

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How We Treat Addiction

We recognize addiction as a disease that mentally, physically and emotionally changes the individual and we develop treatment plans customized for each client.

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Signs & Symptoms

When you realize that you or a loved one needs help, it is crucial to act fast. The disease of addiction is a disease that takes lives. There are addiction symptoms that you can identify.

Start Healing Today

We are here for you. We are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Don’t wait. Take the first step. Let us help you on your journey to long-term sobriety.

New Hampshire
491 Amherst St, Suite 105
Nashua, NH 03060

Thank you for your interest in GateHouse Treatment. Call (855) 448-3588 now or let us reach out to you. All calls are free and confidential.

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