My name is Kyle, and this is my story.
For the longest time, I spent most of my life feeling alone and not a part of, like I belonged, or that anyone cared about me. I turned to drugs and alcohol to feel better about myself, and that lead to a life full of pain and emptiness. I decided my way of life was too much and I wanted to try to get sober. I decided to move to GateHouse after a month in rehab and knew that it wasn’t enough if I wanted to stay sober. Before I came to the house, I heard someone speak at a meeting, presenting his Dad with his ten-year medallion, and something just made me listen to him because he had this passion about staying sober and working a real, honest program. I saw him when I moved in the first day and knew that I was in the right place. The guys were welcoming and happy without drugs at the house which I didn’t know was possible. The comradery was incredible, and they made me feel a part of and that I finally belonged. While at the sober house I connected with the guys a lot and built friendships which I didn’t think was possible with guys who genuinely wanted to help me.
I moved out after a couple of months, and I wasn’t ready, and I ended up relapsing which lasted for about two years. I only found more pain and suffering, and guilt and shame of relapsing kept me away from Nashua and the idea that I could get sober again. When the pain was high enough, I made the call to come back to GateHouse. I was 24 with no home and no insurance, and those same guys who supported and encouraged me the first time I was at GateHouse got me into detox and scholarshiped me back into GateHouse. When I came back to the house, those same guys welcomed me with open arms. They gave me a bed, opportunities, allowed me to work, and kept me until I was ready to leave. I built even more friendships at the house this time around and started giving back to the community that gave me everything. In sobriety, I went to a recovery concert, which I never thought I would do, and had the most fun I ever had in my life.
GateHouse gave me the skills to be able to feel love again, deal with my emotions, figure out who I am, and help others. They taught me how to be a responsible adult and truly be a man of my word. Today after graduating GateHouse, I am coming up on a year sober, a two-bedroom house, and a real job making good money. My boss can rely on me today, knowing that I am an honest worker, and I am a full member of my family. I have all the blessings in my life, the friendships, and the people I can call all because of the things that GateHouse taught me. December 9 is my year anniversary, and I know I will have all those who helped me around me. I owe everything I have today because of the things that I learned in GateHouse and the structure that allowed me to grow into the man that I am today.
Thank you for reading, ”
Kyle B.
GateHouse Alumnus
- The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma and Addiction - June 7, 2023