GateHouse Treatment Alumni Program
Stay connected to those on the same mission as you. Our program helps prevent relapse and provides patients and family with the necessary resources to stay on track.

We provide the framework to enable long-term success.
The tools gained in treatment continue being used for the rest of our client’s lives. At GateHouse Treatment, we realize the importance of not only the transition from treatment back into life but also the need to stay connected.

Once a client in treatment graduates from the GateHouse Treatment program, they are no longer clients and are now alumni of GateHouse Treatment. This is their opportunity to take everything they have learned at GateHouse Treatment and apply it towards their recovery and their changing lives. It will be an amazing time where they will experience change and growth, yet life will always present its own challenges. At GateHouse Treatment, we are fully committed to helping our alumni successfully readjust to life after treatment. The support they receive from the GateHouse Treatment Program is crucial to their long-term sobriety. At GateHouse Treatment, our clients become family and we will continue offering them long-term guidance for as long as they need.
Our Alumni Events
For those who have completed GateHouse Treatment’s program we encourage those clients to come back and stay involved in healthy activities and retain the camaraderie that they’ve established while in our program. GateHouse Treatment not only provides monthly meetings with food, fun and fellowship, but we also organize special events. These events allow our growing alumni community to bond, bringing all alumni and their families together from across the country to celebrate their newfound life of recovery from addiction with drug and alcohol rehab.